The Librarian Spotlight Programme is an inspiring initiative for the library and information science community across Africa. Its mission? To amplify the impact of outstanding librarians who have made exemplary contributions to their field. Through monthly YouTube live interviews, this platform showcases their experiences, impact, and passion, inspiring fellow professionals and shaping the future of libraries and information centers.
In the spirit of celebrating excellence, the March Edition of the Librarian Spotlight held on the 16th of March, 2024, was a momentous occasion. We had the privilege of honouring Pastor Dominic Omokaro, the 22nd President of the Nigerian Library Association, as the Librarian of the Month. Let’s dive into the enlightening highlights of the event!
The live session started with anticipation as viewers from different parts of the world tuned in. The chat section overflowed with greetings, emojis, and congratulatory messages as the host – Sylvester Ebhonu (The Digital Librarian), welcomed everyone and introduced the man of the hour – Pst Dominic Amenaghamwon Omokaro.

Pastor Omokaro shared the journey of how he started, advancing from a Library Prefect in secondary school to becoming a Director at the National Defence College and now President of the NLA. He narrated how his fate and destiny made his principal appointed him to setup their school library – an activity that shaped his entire professional journey.
Omokaro’s advocacy work extends beyond library walls. Asides serving the NLA in various capacities, chairing several committees under 5 different Presidents including the committee that liaised with the Association of Professional Bodies of Nigeria (APBN) to facilitate NLA’s membership as a professionally recognized association, he introduced innovations in organizing NLA events, appointed NLA Brand Ambassadors, and initiated the annual NLA Awards Dinner to recognize outstanding librarians.
When asked what inspired his “engage, connect, collaborate and enable” approach to leadership, and how he applies them to foster innovation and collaboration amongst Nigerian Librarians he said, “Attending IFLA 2022 opened my eyes to begin to design a theme that I would run with as President of the NLA. What I have done is to make sure that I am engaging with our stakeholders….” He collaborated with the LRCN, and key stakeholders in the education sector to advocate for the movement of LIS department to the faculty of Social Science, now captured in the newly unveiled CCMAS by NUC.
The President also encouraged Nigerian Librarians to join in a trendy video initiated by the Nigerian Library Association and the Digital Librarian tagged the #LibrarianChallenge aimed at promoting library and information science and debunking of stereotyped narratives.

At the end of the interview session, the host announced a surprise guest—Dr. Neemat D. Abdulrahim, a scholar and ambassador of the NLA. Her presence came as a surprise to our honoree. While recognizing Pastor Omokaro as Librarian of the month and presenting a Digital Certificate and Plaque, she said, “your exemplary achievements and exceptional contributions to the field of Library and Information Science have garnered widespread admiration, and I am one of those who admire you for what you are doing… I am really proud of you and you merit this award.”
Key Takeaways from the Conversation with Librarian of the Month for March:
- Passion fuels progress as seen in Pastor Omokaro’s commitment to advocacy and positive change in the field of librarianship in Nigeria.
- Community Engagement matters and Libraries thrive when they engage with stakeholders and their communities.
As the Librarian Spotlight continues to shine, we celebrate Pastor Dominic Omokaro. His leadership direction reminds us that libraries are not mere buildings; they are vessels of hope, knowledge, and societal transformation.
For those who missed the live interview, we hope that this report captures the essence of the enlightening interview. We say special ‘thank you’ to the Librarian Spotlight Evaluation Committee, our Readers, Subscribers, Guests, and our dear sponsor –Libtech.
Let’s continue to celebrate excellence until we meet again in April, one librarian at a time!
‘Librarian Spotlight – amplifying impact to inspire positive change’